Recently, I was developing a Flutter server rendering framework called shark.
If you don’t know what server rendering is and what is it for, you can read this
After a month, shark finally reached 1.0 stable 👌
Here is how to use it in 1 Minute.
Add dependency to your flutter application
flutter pub add shark
After install the dependency, you need to init the shark library first before any usage.
void main() {
await Shark.init(hostUrl: '');
From above, hostUrl is the place you host your widget server, for your client to grab info from this server.
Now, you can use it on your widget.
late final SharkController _controller;
/// init the shark controller
void initState() {
_controller = SharkController.fromUrl(path: '/container',)..get();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return SharkWidget(
controller: _controller,
clickEvent: (event) {
Everything related to your widget is control by SharkController
Path is the url path for your current widget, different widget (page) should consider as different path.
Get is an async method to fetch widget from your server.
clickEvent is the click callback function, you can set it like on your server return json file
"click_event": "route://your_path"
To monitor the state of your widget state
_sharkController.stateStream.listen((state) {
if (state == SharkWidgetState.success) {
And the widget has only 3 state
/// Shark Widget request status
enum SharkWidgetState {
success, error, loading, init
Here it is, now, you should see your widget now !
For more information, head to shark github page
If you want a sample shark server rendering server.
Thank you for your reading !